Researches in progress NURTEG
The Center for Labor Relations and Management Technologies (NURTEG, in Portuguese Núcleo de Relações de Trabalho e Tecnologias de Gestão) emerged in 1991 at the Centro de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisas em Administração at Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), created by Professor Marlene Catarina de Oliveira Lopes Melo, Ph.D., as an interdisciplinary space. In November 2003, NURTEG was transferred to Centro Universitário Unihorizontes, constituting a consolidated research group. Currently, NURTEG works with Power Relations and Dynamics in Organizations lines of research, with four thematic axes:
a) Power relations;
b) Work management;
c) Organizational knowledge and learning;
d) Symbolism and identity;
e) Change and culture;
f) Cooperativism and Society.
CONCENTRATION AREA: Organization and Strategy
LINE OF RESEARCH: Power relations and Organizational Dynamics
COORDINATED BY: Prof. Marlene Catarina de Oliveira Lopes Melo, Ph.D.
PROJECT: Management and Intermediate Managers: an analysis from the perspective of Culture, Gender, Empowerment and Generation
ABSTRACT: Managerial activity has been the object of study by several authors over the years (KOTLER, 1982; KATZ, 1986, MOTTA, 1991; MINTZBERG, 1990, 2010; HILL, 1993; DAVEL; MELO, 2005; SILVA, 2009). In a globalized context, of competitiveness, of changes in the workforce, whether in terms of gender, diversity or generation, the managerial role takes on greater challenges. Specifically, in the case of intermediate management, the intensive processes of change and restructuring directly impacted the professional practice of this category, which also began to experience an environment of greater ambiguity. Managerial action also reflects the way of being of a society, reproducing or producing a managerial practice, in the context of a culture. Thus, there is the presence of men and women assuming the managerial role and the coexistence of different generations, especially the baby boomers, the generation X, Y and Z, with particular interests, training and positions, which can give different outlines to the action managerial. In this context, this project aims to analyze the impacts of culture, generations, gender and female empowerment on managerial action and the configuration of managers’ relationships with the managerial function in organizations located in the Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte. It is a descriptive research with a qualitative approach. For data collection, a semi-structured interview script and focus group will be used. The unit of analysis is constituted by managerial action at an intermediate level, exercised in organizations in the industrial, electronic/ technological, banking and energy sectors. The subjects of this research will be men and women who occupy an intermediate management position. The data analysis technique is the content analysis proposed by Bardin (1994). Thus, we hope to learn more about what happens at the intersection between generations, culture, gender and female empowerment in managerial action and in the managerial function.
COORDINATED BY: Marlene Catarina de Oliveira Lopes Melo
EXTERNAL PARTICIPANTS: Aline Marcelina Resende; Ana Lucia Magri Lopes; Rosilaine Aparecida Pinto Aguiar
FUNDING BY: CNPq (Research Productivity Scholarship)
PROJECT: Contemporary Issues in (and from) Work: psychosocial dimensions and innovative perspectives present in contemporary labor processes
ABSTRACT: This project refers to the transformations introduced in contemporary work processes, addressing its psychosocial dimensions, impacts on workers’ health and safety.
COORDINATED BY: Maria Elizabeth Antunes Lima
MASTER’S STUDENTS: Amir Neves Filho; André Mosqueira Possato; Patrícia Ferreira da Silva; Rebeca Pires Oliveira; Rodrigo Castro de Oliveira
FUNDING BY: FAPEMIG (Institutional Scientific Initiation Scholarship Program)
PROJECT: The Propensity to Burnout: study with professionals working in emergency care in the state of Minas Gerais
ABSTRACT: The research proposed by this project has the central objective of describing and analyzing the occupational experiences of professionals working in emergency care in health and safety institutions in the state of Minas Gerais, taking as a guideline the theoretical perspectives proposed by Maslach, Schaufeli and Leiter (2001). The specific objectives are to: a) describe the work context (work organization, socio-professional relations and work conditions) in emergency care; b) describe elements of the burnout syndrome (emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and low professional achievement); and c) identify the defense strategies used to deal with exhaustion at work. Qualitative and quantitative methodologies will be used in the proposed research.
COORDINATED BY: Luiz Carlos Honório
EXTERNAL PARTICIPANTS: Marco Antonio Rodrigues; Romulo Ulysses Vieira Rodrigues
PROJECT: Challenges of Credit Cooperatives at present
ABSTRACT: The advent of globalization brought with it several transformations, with technological development being one of the most substantial ones that has affected society, organizations and individuals (ALBROW, 1990). Driven by the Second War, technological development enable the integration of potential resources, which gave rise to the internet (CAPOBIANCO, 2010). In this way, the transformations caused by global connectivity make society absorb knowledge, and experience a differentiated economic movement, which has been conventionally called a collaborative economy, which has gradually gained strength in the logic of the capitalist system. Although there is no clear and objective definition of collaborative economics, due to the different ways in which this binomial is used in practice (DURÁN-SÁNCHEZ et al., 2016), a relationship between the collaborative economy and cooperativismo is perceived, since the concept of collaborative economy is close to the concepts related to the principles that govern the functioning of any and all cooperatives in the world (ACI, 1995). In both cases, the concepts are based on mutual aid, in which a certain group comes together to carry out a project, acquire a good, develop a business or achieve a common goal. The collaborative economy encourages changes in consumption patterns, enhances the quality of life and sustainability, in line with the way of working within cooperatives and is no diferente in credit cooperatives. This study aims to analyze the possible impacts and challenges of technological advancement, the collaborative economy and the female empowerment process, including the possibility of the glass ceiling in credit unions in the state of Minas Gerais, in the perception of the researched group. This project has a qualitative approach, as it involved aspects such as the complexity of personal experiences and gender relations in the organizational space, which is still a space for social interaction (BOGDAN; BIKLEY, 1994; OLIVEIRA, 1997). Emphasis will be given to conducting interviews with a semi-structured script, with the subjects of this research, these being selected by an intentional process and for convenience, according to the availability of each of them (LAVILLE; DIONE, 1999). Data analysis will be based on content analysis (BARDIN, 1979) and will go through the following treatment phases: 1) preparation of the interviews; 2) content analysis, consisting of the following steps: a) quantitative tabulation with the identification of the respondents’ answers and grouping according to the subject of the question, with subsequent elaboration of tables; b) qualitative tabulation through thematic analysis, based on Minayo (2000) and improved by Melo (1991; 2001; 2002a; 2002b; 2003; 2017), with the definition of themes related to the project’s objectives and structuring of a spreadsheet that will allow the grouping of extracts of interviews more representative of the chosen theme, aiming to highlight the interviewee’s speech.
COORDINATED BY: Marlene Catarina de Oliveira Lopes Melo
MASTER’S STUDENTS: Mara Lucia Drummond Parreiras; Sheila Alves Dias; Wanessa Leticia de Oliveira Miranda
PROJECT: Individuals at Work, Innovation and Organizations: multiple behavioral research perspectives
ABSTRACT: This project aims to develop and guide research on human behavior at work in view of the occupational environment of workers who work in competitive and innovative contexts, covering topics associated with Quality of Life at Work, Organizational Stress; Burnout Syndrome; the Psychodynamics of Work; Organizational Commitment among other behavioral ones. Quantitative and qualitative methodologies will be adopted for the purpose of research design in order to cover diverse techniques for data survey and analysis.
COORDINATED BY: Luiz Carlos Honório
MASTER’S STUDENTS: Claudia Kummel Moreira; Poliane de Oliveira Moreira; Teresa Cristina Fidelis Silva
PROJECT: Mental Health at Work: study with professionals working in organizations in the state of minas gerais
ABSTRACT: This project aims to describe and explain the main factors that cause imbalance between the psychological demands related to the occupational environment and the psychological structure of the workers, who work in institutions in various sectors. It will focus on analyzing the level of psychological imbalance of the researched subjects, having as reference the studies related to occupational stress, pleasure and suffering at work, burnout syndrome and moral harassment. This project also aims to identify and explain the possible associations between the levels of psychological imbalance identified and the demographic, functional, lifestyle and health habits of the participants, as well as in relation to the constructs of the theoretical model to be used in the study. From a methodological point of view, it will be developed through a quantitative and/ or qualitative approach, characterized as an empirical investigation of a descriptive and/ or explanatory nature, using as a strategy the survey and or case study. The subjects to be researched will be professionals who work in institutions in the different sectors of the economy and data collection will take place through questionnaires, interviews and document analysis. The processing of quantitative data will be performed using the Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS), version 22.0.0 and the analysis will take place through descriptive and inferential statistics, including factor analysis, simple and multiple regression, correlation, tests difference of means or central tendency and chi-square. In the qualitative approach, the analysis will take place through the technique of categorical content analysis. Other techniques may be used according to the preliminary and necessary analyzes in relation to the data collected.
COORDINATED BY: Luciano Zille Pereira
MASTER’S STUDENTS: Carlos Eduardo Delben da Cruz Machado; Fabio William Jose de Assis; Janaina Martins dos Reis; Jaqueline dos Santos Teles; Luciana Araujo Oliveira de Paiva Melo; Luciana de Abreu Discacciati Vidigal; Mauro Francisco de Melo; Nelton Jose Araujo Ferreira
PROFESSORS: Luiz Carlos Honório
FUNDING BY: Capes (Private Graduate Institutions Support Program – scholarship)